Friday, July 23, 2010

Hi Neighbor!! Have a "Gan"der at this!

Tisk Tisk Tisk... Again, it seems that I've neglected my blog and as a result, I've got a bunch of updates both in the field of music and on the brewery scene. I'll try to take it in small bites and keep it short:


So finally, I got around to putting my money where my mouth is and I brewed a few batches of my own beer. I decided on a Copper Ale and a Summer Ale.

Robbie A's Penny Pincher Ale:
I needed beers that were uncomplicated as I don't have a whole ton of time on my hands at the moment. A Copper Ale in theory was a good idea... the execution on the other hand, lacked somewhat. Dark amber hue as you'd expect with any copper, the head was a bit lacking, but I expect some of that due to the cold temperature it was stored at and my rather aggressive angle of the pour. Malty taste with a decent hop balance, but there was an odd aftertaste and I couldn't pin point it until someone else had a swig... pennies... I can't explain it, I have no idea how it happened, but... pennies... weird. Soooo that one was somewhat of a flop.

Robbie A's Citrus Summer Ale:
The Summer Ale turned out quite a bit better. It was far more drinkable albeit a bit less complex in flavor. Lemony citrus notes permeate the nose as well as a faint hint of hops. The beer is... well, beer... But it's a fine summer brew sufficient enough to have with burgers & dogs but I'm not about to write home about it. Better luck next time!

Nashoba Winery - Bolton, MA:
One of the tenets of creating superlative food, wine and beer is fresh ingredients. You're not going to get any fresher than right off the farm! I have to give this place a major thumbs up as it is a hidden gem in the heart of the Nashoba Valley. The Nashoba Valley winery is not just a winery creating vintages from locally grown products such as peaches, blueberries, apples & the like, but it is also the first officially licensed Farm/Distillery in the Commonwealth of MA. They've created an exciting line of Whiskeys, Liqueurs and Cordials, which, unfortunately were a bit out of my price range! The beer at this point is my focus and they had a great range to choose from. Most of them hit the ball out of the park including their Summer Stout which I found to be most unique in the fact that it had notes of espresso, cocoa and vanilla. In addition, one surprise was their IPA, the use of milder locally grown hops I think made the difference here. Their version didn't have quite the acridly bitter taste that some IPA's can take on. The line up changes frequently so I'd suggest checking it out yourself!
Side note: If you're looking for a GREAT date place, check out the adjacent J's Restaurant. Farm fresh food, locally caught fish & smoked trout, local cheeses. The place is a home run. Weekend brunch is also highly recommended!

There is nothing I love more than a comeback story. Like my beloved Red Sox, we have another local underdog story that is taking shape, one that I hope will still be here come October! The 120 year old Narragansett brewing company, (once a long time sponsor of the BoSox) is under relatively new management, the brand name being bought back from the Falstaff Brewing Co. and is making major strides at regaining its formerly famous name here in New England. I for one am standing proud with the 'Gansett crew and have bought several sixers at my local packey over the last year. I think the thing that I like the most is the grass roots effort that Narragansett is working with to get the word out. The most effective tactic I've seen so far is the use of Non traditional media, Facebook, Live events and particularly the You Tube movies of new owner Mark Hellendrung searching recycling bins for old Narragansett cans, giving new 12 packs to those drinking the beer and leaving flaming bags of poo for those on the "Naughty" list. Classic junior high antics that definitely caught my attention. Also back are the 'Gansett Girls, a throwback to the 40's era pinup girls and ladies, you're just lovely! Still, the taste of Narragansett is what brings people back time and again. It's an easy to drink lager that goes great with almost everything. So far, they've hit 1150 establishments where 'Gansett is on tap. Do you part for a local institution, nay, for your local economy and help Mark Hellendrung rebuild the once famous Narragansett Brewery in Rhode Island!! Buy a case, check out the website, ask your local establishment to carry Narragansett Beer!! Go get em boys & Gansett Girls! I'm pullin' for ya!!

I've had a few momentous occasions in my Bagpiping career over the last month.

1. I've finally popped my funeral gig cherry. While I by no means think that I did well, I have learned a few valuable lessons
-Turn off your Cell phone!! While this should be common sense... I totally forgot and my phone went off in the middle of the ceremony... thankfully I was in the balcony and got into my sporran in the nick of time.
-Bring Water: 80 degree days in a woolen Kilt, Glengarry and black jacket tend to cause a boy to sweat... phew... not only that, but I had a bit of a coughing fit and one woman was kind enough to grab me a bottle.
-RELAX!!: I found myself getting stressed out towards the end of a few of my sets and I had a few times where my reed dropped out for a note or so. In addition, my biggest failure of the day resulted from over-squeezing my bag resulting in not one but TWO of my drones dropping out during Amazing Grace... embarrassing to say the least.

2. Parade Season was a major success! On the 4th of July, I played the Bourne and Edgartown, MA parades resulting in over 5 miles of marching AND I played the ENTIRE parade AND a quick show on the Ferry back AND played a flyby of a bar that gave us a hard time back on the mainland. To that bar, I give you the two fingered salute and say, may you and your snotty, cranberry pants wearing, trust fund spending clientele choke on your assumed sense of superiority. Narragansett, don't bother trying to get into that bar, they're jerks, and frankly you could do better!! But I digress... I consider the parades a major milestone in my playing.

My take aways from this episode:
1. Relax when you play your pipes, practice like you have a gig every day.
2. Take your significant other to J's Restaurant and class it up a little, huh?
3. Avoid at all costs the Landfall Restaurant in Wood's Hole, MA. They're total tools.
4. Get a yourself some Cans of 'Gansett! Support your local breweries!!

That is all... I HAVE SPOKEN!!


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