Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sierra Nevada Porter

Last night was Halloween, one of my favorite Pagan Celtic holidays! Trick or treaters, please... give me something to work with next year. The effort level on our street was mediocre at best. However, iPhone guy was my personal favorite. Also, I had the opportunity to hang out with some of my neighbors and sip a few beers on the porch whilst we distributed candy to the greedy beggars at our door. Jason introduced me to what could possibly be my new favorite beer, the Sierra Nevada Porter. It's a solid beer! Dark, beefy and slightly malty, it's got a good body and a hoppy snap at the finish that makes it a more than interesting beer to drink! This will be a short post in the fact that I'll say, pick up a sixer of this one, you'll not be sorry!

Also, the pipes are in house and ready for assembly. A guy in my band has to help me tie in the chanter this week, but other than that, they're BEAUTIFUL and they sound great! I had the opportunity to play them on another bag (I'm switching the bag out for the traditional leather instead of the gortex that came with the set) and I could keep the drones going and if I really pushed myself, I can get the chanter going. It's going to be a process, however, as the technique is fairly complicated. I should get the basics down, I've got a good teacher and a ton of hot air to expel!

Make it a GREAT week!


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